The Old Hewitt Trussville
Junior/High School

Trussville, AL
History of the Old Trussville Junior High School

The Old Hewitt Trussville High School is located just off Parkway Dr. in Trussville, AL. In 1887 the location was
an old slag furnace that stood in operation off and on until 1919. Producing some of Alabama's most valued
product of the time, Pig Iron. The furnace was torn down in 1933 and Sold in 1935 to the Birmingham Cahaba
Alabama Paranormal Research Team by the Recreation Director Zach Manning. Reports of everything from
lights and showers coming on to doors opening and closing, hearing footsteps and even to the degree of
sounds coming from the "Red Gym" of what sounds like an actual basketball game. During renovations of the
building the XO over Sea Cadets Jim Holcomb reported being touched by something he could not see. While
standing on some scaffolding and repairing ceiling tiles he felt some touch him near his back and when he
turned to acknowledge the person. No one was there.

No one really likes to stay in the location by themselves but since a cadet must pull fire duty reports by
witnesses of the phenomenon happens very frequently.

Investigation of the Old Hewitt Trussville Junior High School

The Alabama Paranormal Research Team conducted a 6 hour investigation of the building. While personal
experiences were documented to help validate the claims of reports we did not capture as much evidence as
we had liked. Flashes of light were seen by both teams inside the "Blue Gym" were reports of doors opening
and closing have been reported. Also a sound that could be associated with the old furnace. Our recorders
picked up a very low "booming" sound. We've ruled out any outside contamination here since all members
were wearing personal audio and can account for audio in all locations.

Some members reported seeing a man that looked like he may have been wearing a janitors uniform, and a
young girl approximately 15-16 years of age with blond hair, in a pony tail and dressed in what appeared to be
a t shirt and gym shorts. Other then these 2 apparitions none have been reported by staff at the old school.

Audio Evidence
  • This EVP was captured by our stationary
    mic in the "Red Gym" it sounds like the loud
    thumps of perhaps an old furnace.
  • The EVP was also captured on our stand
    alone mics inside the "Red Gym" it sounds
    this EVP was caught on a very low
    frequency. "I'm Drowning"
  • Inside the Blue Gym Faith Serafin ask if
    anyone would like to speak to us. A voice
    replies "Nooooo, Nooooo!"
Video and Photo Evidence

at this time we have no photo evidence from the old Trussville Junior High but we did manage to capture a
very good EVP on our hand held video recorders.
This information is based on the scientific findings by means of Paranormal Investigations by the
Alabama Paranormal Research Team. All rights reserved and Copyright Laws apply 2007-2010