Find information regarding different types of ghost, poltergeist, and general hauntings
FYI - First of all we should clarify that most people think that because a place is labeled as being
Haunted" that it is a bad thing. This is not necessarily true. In most cases some form of energy is
trapped in an area and can not disburse itself. This can be do to anything from environment to
psychological issues of an individual. We do not dismiss any claim of an area or person being
haunted without investigation, however a lot of times person's believing to be plagued with ghost or
demons can contribute the activity to a form of poltergeist activity called "PK" or Physco Kinetic. This
form of poltergeist activity can be contributed to a single persons own energy levels as well as
surroundings. Every living being carries a certain about of energy. Some more than others and in
different forms as well. When a single person witnesses multiple episode of paranormal activity.
(apparitions, cold and hot spots, tingling of the skin, nausea, objects moving, etc.) In many PK cases
it is the individual themselves that are outwardly manifesting the activity. This is why some types of
paranormal activity can only be documented while certain individuals are present in an investigation.

Other forms of Poltergeist Haunts-Poltergeist is the most common form of haunt do to it's well
rounded nature. Other forms of poltergeist haunts can range from recurring dreams, to life long
issues due to activity passing from generation to generation. The most common complaints do to
poltergeist haunts is that of a physical nature. Poltergeist are able to move objects, physically touch
a person, in some rare and extreme cases even interact (also known as an intelligent poltergeist)
Also a renovation or disturbing of places known to have poltergeist activity can elevate activity with
these types of haunts. There are many theories on poltergeist, and these are just a few. To properly
diagnose a haunt a lot of paranormal knowledge as well as field experience is key.

Residual Haunts-A Residual Haunt is a form of haunt where an energy may not know that is has
left a living body. Many times with residual haunts energies go threw the same routines they did
while they where in a living state. Usually many person's whom witness these types of haunts all
report the same types of activity. These residual haunts are more common in older places. Many
people don't think about it but here in the U.S. We Investigate places as old as 200 to 300 years.
Many locations overseas with paranormal activity can be centuries old and reports of residual style
haunts can be centuries old as well. Many times even with removal of a building or site where activity
is present an entity will stay in that area due to the make up of the environment (minerals and
elements within the ground). Most residual style haunts are non-intelligent and really aren't worth
worrying about unlike poltergeist. However I have heard of some cases where they are but they are

Demonic Haunts-In Demonic Style haunts an entity or energy is of a negative nature and can be
dangerous in many cases. They are highly intelligent and there are world wide reports of demonic
haunts that range in style to ancient ruins plagued with centuries of "bad stuff" to tales of possession
and more commonly of stigmata. Stigmata is when an entity or energy can actually manifest a
physical assault on an individual. This can range from scratches, and burns to pressure on the
chest and headache. We usually diagnose a demonic haunt with the dismissal of environmental
issues in a place or if the energy seems to be present without person's more commonly prone to
witness it. A TRUE demonic haunt is a rare phenomenon and can only officially be documented by
clergy. However extensive study in demonology is a key factor in giving a real diagnosis of a
demonic haunt.  Demonic haunts should not be taken lightly and in the event that an individual may
even think they are plagued by such an energy immediate action should be taken. Most demonic
haunts seem to grow with time. The longer a negative energy stays in a place the more havoc it can

Intelligent Haunts-Intelligent style haunts are most common in spirits of younger person's crossed
over. However they are reported in the form of an adult also. Intelligent style haunts can and will
interact with an individual many times in doing EVP work (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) question's
can be asked and these intelligent energies will answer you. Many times they will make themselves
know to try to get attention or maybe they just like to see the living get scared of what they do. This
is also common in Demonic Haunts.

EVP-EVP stands for Electronic Voice Phenomenon. This is when a digital or analog (magnetic tape)
recorder can be used to record voices and sounds not heard by the naked ear. In many cases with
EVP, question's can be asked during an investigation and these energies and entities will actually
answer you. However before ruling an EVP as authentic we will check a location for elements that
can contribute to EVP. Such as minerals inside of buildings materials, paints, and plasters that help
record sound.

  • Mist, Shadow People, and different forms of Manifestation
"Shadow People" are a phenomenon known to many paranormal investigators. When an entity
doesn't have the ability to manifest itself totally it can use the shadows to move and communicate. In
theory shadow people don't have the mass energy to manifest so an environment suitable for
manifestation and communication may require them to be present in the shadows and in dark
places. It takes less energy to move in the dark then it does to in the daylight. A lot of paranormal
groups in the field will mistakingly label these types of manifestation as evil do to a fear factor. This
is not always the case, It's a simple case of physics and shouldn't be feared unless negative issue
are associated with shadow people.

"Ectoplasm Mist" may be the hardest to explain. There are several theories on this phenomenon.
It is a form of manifestation. More commonly then none it is seen rather then photographed.
Photographs of true mist are not rare but not common either. Our group has thousands of
photographs and although we have personally witnessed mist.  We have yet to photograph a mist
that we could conclude beyond the shadow of a doubt that it is paranormal. However I can say that it
appears and dissipates quickly therefore making true mist very hard to photograph.

"Vapors" Vapors are very similar to mist in that there are for the most part transparent and
dissipate quickly. However Vapors seem to have a more liquid flow to them (hence the term Vapor)
Also it has been reported that the feeling of a "web" like substance is on your skin when these
vapors are present.  

Orbs-It is an established fact of science that living organisms produce, contain, and utilize electrical
energy for all, and complex actions. In fact, the human body produces a substantial amount of bio
electrical energy. It has also been theorized by psychologists that as we age our minds develop a
pattern that is difficult to alter. This is due to a set pattern in the neural pathways in the human brain.
These patterns are set when bio electrical energy is passed from neuron to neuron. I also submit
that each individual has his own bio electrical frequency that is not shared by any other individual. It
has also been established in the scientific community that upon an individuals death, there is an
immediate loss of weight. The weight loss is minuscule, and almost unnoticeable. Currently, however
there is no satisfactory scientific explanation for this loss. However, I submit that this weight loss is
due to a loss of bioelectricity. As electricity has mass, a loss of this electrical energy from the body
could cause this weight loss. I believe that this could be due to bio electrical energy leaving the
body. It then can maintain cohesion by electro magnetic forces. This bio electrical field, after years
of conditioned patterning, maintains some, if not all, of the memories and personality of the
individual to which it belonged. This could be a possible explanation of orbs being photographed as
well as other variations of apparitions. It would also provide an explanation for the apparent
intelligent actions of some apparitions. It would also be the reason that E.M.F. Detectors would pick
up such anomalies. As for photography of such entities, it should be noted that electrical forces can
be photographed even when the human eye cannot detect them.      

"Full Body Apparition" This is what most paranormal groups refer to as the Holly Grail of
Paranormal Investigation. Rare and always a treat many groups set out solely to capture this
phenomenon. A full body apparition is when an entity will actually  take on a true human, or animal
form. Features are distinct and in these rare cases most of the time they are intelligent. However I
have heard reports of full body apparition with residual haunts as well.
Many groups and investigators in the field of paranormal research and investigation tend to advertise or tell clients that they have the
ability to remove or take an energy from a location that has paranormal activity. This is not always true do to the fact that several
natural elements that exist within an environment can contribute to energy being trapped or be more active at times then at others.
Most investigative groups that don't take the time to look at the soil and water tables in a location and can overlook true factors that aid
having them tested should be a key step in paranormal investigation. For example areas high in minerals like Quartz, Lime, Granite,
and Iron or Iron ores can be a big part of a haunting. Energy can be stored in these types of minerals. Just like we use quartz in
watches and in circuit boards to store information in our computers, and even cell phones. Under the conditions energy's that are in the
process of change, energy can be trapped in locations high in these types of minerals. As well as under the right conditions can be
released. Thus creating a atmosphere right for paranormal activity. However this knowledge of what APRT likes to call "Paranormal
Awareness"  isn't out there for the public to know. The majority of studies done based on energy fall into the realm of quantum physics
and the general study of energy.

Knowing that energy is constant and can not be created or destroyed it makes sense that these types of theory should be followed to
properly diagnosis a haunting whether due to environment or some other factor. Looking into the geological aspect of a location and
what minerals are present can greatly add to claims of activity. As well as give a client some piece of mind that the things they witness
associated with the paranormal can be explained to some degree. All paranormal groups should take the time to look into these things
as it, isn't hard to take a soil and water sample and have it analysed by your local water department and soil conservation society
usually found in any city or town. These key elements can also help to properly diagnosis a haunting. Most if not all locations have
some sort of conductive element that exist naturally with the ground. The key is to find what minerals in the area are highest and if
these minerals are of the highest  conductive nature, then you know there is very good chance to catch paranormal activity, through
investigative technique.   See an example of an environmental haunting

With this knowledge, and armed with the proper awareness of how minerals play a part in an environmental haunt. It's theoretically
possible that an energy can NOT be removed unless steps where taken to remove all elements in the way of water and mineral from
the ground where a location is said to have activity. I ask that people who read this take into consideration before asking a paranormal
group or even clergy to remove a spirit/energy from a home or area keep in mind that the elements that exist within nature herself may
not allow that to happen. House Blessing and Cleansing are a simple physiological way to make a person temporarily feel better about
there situation. In many cases the energy responsible for the activity will return do to the mineral content. However giving hard facts to
what may cause a location to be haunted is far better in my opinion to better understand. As opposed to making a temporary solution
for a problem that will not go away. While many families don't want to move from a home with activity, either understanding the situation
or deciding that a move is necessary may be what has to be done to get away from the activity. In the situation that a family moves from
a home to another and still suffers the same activity, the mineral content may be just as high or higher in a new location. So taking
these soil samples are important as well as the placement of underground rivers and streams or areas close to water as this will also
play a part in helping energy to travel well. If you have questions about this article please feel free to contact me at
[email protected]
Removing Energy From A Location
Do you like reading Ghost Stories?
Here are some recommend books
on the haunted history of Alabama
and Georgia and miscellaneous
stories based on real reports of
paranormal activity.

Great Ghost Stories, Helpful
information and history.
Haunted Montgomery Alabama
by Faith Serafin

Haunted Auburn and Opelika
by: Faith Serafin, Michelle Smith, &
John Poe

Haunted Tuscaloosa
by Davidi Higdon and Brett Talley

Haunted Alabama Black Belt
by David Higdon and Brett Talley

Haunted Shelby County
by Kim Johnston

Haunted Birmingham Alabama
by Alan Brown

Haunted North Alabama
by Jessica Penot

Haunted Mobile Alabama
by Elizabeth Parker

Haunted Columbus Georgia -
Phantoms of the Fountain City
by Faith Serafin

Legends, Lore and True Tales of the
by Michelle Smith

The Veil
by Joyce Cathey & Rebecca

Haunted Places the National
by: Dennis William Hauck

Ghost of the Battleship North
by: Danny Bradshaw

Ghost of Old Wilmington
by: John Hirchak

Civil War Ghost Stories & Legends
by: Sarah Carolina

Haunted U.S. Battlefields
by: Mary Beth Crain

The Parapsychology Revolution
by: Robert M.Schoch Ph.D. & Logan