Colonial Park Cemetery
Savannah, GA

March 2011
     Colonial Park Cemetery is a major center for paranormal activity in Savannah, Georgia. Though several hundred
grave markers appear here there are literally thousands of dead buried here. Mass Graves of Malaria Victims, Civil
War Soldiers, and some very famous and influential people are buried here. Like The Button Gwinnett who signed the
Declaration of Independence. The famous Duelist marker and many more.  Hundreds of General William Tecumseh
Sherman's men camped here in Savannah and desecrated hundreds of graves and markers. Several of these
headstones now line the back wall of Colonial Park cemetery. No one knows the official location of these now
graveless markers however they serve as a grime reminder of how the war affected the south and it's occupants.

     The Cemetery has served as a focus for many notable paranormal groups and tours from all over Savannah.  
The Alabama Paranormal Research Team was also fortunate enough to spend an enormous amount of time in
Savannah, Georgia taking in it's sites and history. Many Ghost stories and evidence of all sorts have surfaced from
Colonial Park over the years. Reports of a man in a long black coat roams the cemetery at night. Said to have been
killed by accident in a failed robbery in the early 18th century.
      Perhaps one piece of notable paranormal evidence from Colonial Park cemetery is the Jesse Greathouse video
captured in 2008. While on vacation with his family. 17 year old Jesse captured a strange apparition of what looks like
a small boy running and jumping into a nearby tree. This video has been heavily scrutinized by experts in video and
paranormal enthusiast. While there have been great efforts made to debunk the video it stills stands as one of the
best pieces of paranormal evidence to come out of Colonial Park cemetery. There is simply NO explanation for the
apparition and it's awkward, non humanoid movements.
     The Alabama Paranormal Research Team spent several hours in the cemetery taking photo's and video and at
this time have not turned up anything strange. However we are still reviewing our evidence from Colonial Park in the
hopes that we were able to capture something strange for our readers.
Director and Investigator Faith Serafin and Michelle Smith check out one of Savannah, Georgia's most haunted
cemeteries Colonial Park. March 2011.